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Friday, 7 August 2015

garbage around railway track in india

there should be dustbin between every 10 seats/ every compartment

I have noticed from the window of the train that the both side of track there was some garbage of water bottle, food packets and all. If you observe closely you will not be able to find any place where no garbage near the track. also in most trains when people buy and eat some food packets they dont go to dustbin in the coach but they will throw it outside of window or they will throw it below the seat. So if there is a dustbin nearby like every compartment or every 10 seats. such as space below the windows and between the seats, then passengers can throw garbage in them.

Also If you throw outside in the city there is a posibility that it will be cleaned. But what about the area outside the city or another place?

The Railways appeals to the passengers to keep the train coaches clean and use dustbins instead of throwing waste out of the windows. But the passengers travelling in local trains are asking where are the dustbins?

While it is feasible for the passengers travelling in first, second, third and sleeper class compartments to go to the washroom area and throw waste in the dustbin kept there. The same is not feasible in a jam-packed local train compartments.

In AC and sleeper coaches, pouches are put up right behind the seats. These pouches which are meant for keeping water bottles are also being used by passengers to put waste.

But there are no pouches in local train compartments. To maintain cleanliness, the railways need to provide such pouches or dustbins in local train compartments too.

What the passengers say on the issue?

“As I don’t want to litter waste here and there I collect waste in a plastic bag and bring back home. In a local train, the dustbins are installed only in the washroom area. But the compartments are always jam-packed and it is not possible to go till there throw the waste,” said Gopal (31) a daily commuter.

"It would be good if the railways put up pouches in local trains too, because we cannot expect everyone to be equally civic minded and collect the waste rather than littering it," asserted Ashish, (26), a resident of Ara who commutes to Patna everyday.

Now you will say this passengers are giving excuses. But why railway gives chance to give excuse? 
In this answer railway may also give excuse, like dustbin will not help people need to change their mindset!! Then that is also right! we all know the right things but no one want to do action. everyone will give excuses and will talk about it and then forget it. Same as currently I am doing (writing here and then forget).
!! hahaha

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Smart Transportation

Smart Transportation

It is a rare day that you won't take some form of transportation

A bus, train or car to work. A bike to school. A plane for a business trip. And even if you don't leave your home, your life is still influenced by the transportation industry: virtually every tangible good—food, clothing, medicine, vehicles, computers—has been transported into your world from somewhere else.

Cities could not exist if we didn't have transportation systems to move people and goods in, out and around them. It has been a leading driver behind globalization: shrinking distances, seeding the emergence of entire new economies and improving the quality of life for millions of people.

Yet many of our transportation systems are inadequate to serve the needs of the 21st century. By integrating technology and intelligence into the physical transportation infrastructure, we can improve capacity, enhance the traveler experience and make our transportation systems more efficient, safe, and secure.

"As many jobs as we have, if you're stuck in traffic for two hours a day, it affects your ability to do business," "It also affects your quality of life"

Jams are not only frustrating, they are also a major contributor to air pollution, and that’s bad not just for our climate, but everybody’s health and living too. According to researchers 138,258 people died of road accidents in India in 2012.  As per the National Crime Records Bureau, as many as 461 people died and 1,301 more were injured every day in traffic accidents in the country during 2012. This makes it 19 deaths every hour—or more than one death every three minutes.

Then there is the economic cost of lost hours (both work and leisure) and delayed shipments. Drivers in the 10 most-congested cities in the country sit around 42 hours in traffic jams every year, wasting more than $121bn in time and fuel while doing so.
Before building more roads, bridges, and highways, policymakers need to evaluate how current transportation options can be used more effectively

We should also take care of cost when making the transportation smart so that the smart transportation does not go over smart that can not be affordable by all the peoples.
Show carrot of facilities and low price to encourage people using public transportation like buses an d trains can reduce the road traffic.

Smart public transportation:
Iot based network on stations and bus has some RFID system when it enters, it registers itself to station so the tracking time schedule and running status of Bus can be achieved.

Public transportation vehicles like buses and trains can have cameras installed so can provide safety in security to travelers.

Smart Highway
A vehicle is given a RF tag and the highway has the RF network. If speed is increased, the tag can produce warning sound or lighting. If vehicle is stopped more than pre-defined time then respective Toll service center will be informed for help. If some vehicle miss-behaves on highway then traffic police can track it.

Solar panels on trafic light so they can be powered using solar energy.To provide LCDs on road showing traffic information, Pollution monitoring, weather information and diversion information. Those LCD device can also be made operated from solar energy.

Street lights can be controlled based on traffic and timing so we can save lot of energy.

Smart Vehicles
A safety pilot model deployment with about 3,000 vehicles equipped with the technology that broadcasts their GPS location and speed every 100 milliseconds.

We can use sensors in cars when the other vehicle at front side is too near then it can produce horn or slows down the speed

Solar Roadways
Idea of roads that can store solar energy? Well, it wasn’t just a theory. Solar Roadways is an indiegogo project that wants to install solar panels on glass roads, complete with LEDs and microprocessors. Glass is renewable, environmentally friendly, and its strength can be improved to be even stronger than steel
Despite being glass, the surface can be engineered for cars to be able to stop safely even when traveling at speeds of up to 80 mph – like on regular roads. The solar panel roads can even melt snow during winter and of course the solar energy harnessed can be used to power electrical needs.

Smart Parking
If we talk about city the one of the most major problem is the parking. We can make it smart by centrally connecting the parking availability with server and displaying information outside the parking area. The parking area itself shows that here is the space available, that can be visible from outside of the parking area. We can have solar panel roofs on Parking area.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Smart Village

Actually I was making some papers for smart city concept, while thinking on that whatever comes in mind tried to write here:
Independent village
we can make smart village instead of smart cities because village is the basic needs vs city is the extra or physical needs.
In smart village we can encourage our farmers and small peoples or common man to do what ever they are best in.
for example encourage to use technologies in agriculture like solar pumps gsm based automation irrigation and all that we need to improvement and use technologies in whatever is exist environment instead of making a from the scratch man-made city. for example if environment is not good for agriculture because of desert then we can make solar farms and wind farms. to use that space. if roof tops are flat terrace then use solar water heater or if inclined then use solar panels
we can make solar roof compulsory in new industrial buildings to help their own.

If people have pets like buffalo and cows then they can be source to generate the natural gas.
Garbage of village can be used to gobar gas plant.
Encourage women for home business like papad mirchi and dairy udhyog.
Farmers don't sale their land and convert it to non agriculture. There is already lands that are naturally non agriculture.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Home made solar Mobile charger

I am using my homemade solar charger for my batteries and mobile. do you?
here is the simplest way of making it:
you can not use the output of the solar panel directly to charge the battery. supply is required to be smooth regulated 5 volts.
So First I tried to make the power supply regulator using the old mobile charger. you can take out the rectifier portion and use the regulator of the old charger. to give 12v unregulated output of the solar panel.
then I found one old car mobile charger that uses 12v from the battery and gives 5v output.
my purpose solved!! I gave output from solar panel to car charger's 12 v input. that's all.
solar panel costs 250 and car charger 150 total 400. and some soldering.
or if using a regular mobile charger then it will cost 300.
Poly Crystalline Manual 5W Power Solar Panel, 0.70 A, 9V, Rs 290 ...